Welcome to our Affiliate Programme!
Would you like to support the spread of the NVC Dance Floors by putting a link to this shop (Life Resources Online Shop) on your website, in your emails, newsletters, Facebook, Twitter, and anywhere else which makes links?
You will receive 10% of the sales value from all Life Resources Online Shop sales that are referred to us via your unique Affiliate link (when purchases are made within 3 months of the original referral).
Payment of your Affiliate Fee is made once a year, in January, with your accumulated fees for the entire previous year. (This is the case even though the sign-up page says you will be paid every 3 months).
Examples of how much you would receive:
Workshop Pack (laminated) : 10% of 230 € = 23 € for you (approx $24)
Set of 3 Dance Floor DVDs : 10% of 75 € = 7.50 € for you (approx $8)
Facilitator's Handbook : 10% of 25 € = 2.50 € for you (approx $3)
The sign-up process is simple.
1. You’ll need a PayPal account with a related email. (We can only pay you through PayPal.)
2. Email us to request the link for signing up to our Affilaite Programme. In your email please tell us some details about your experience with Nonviolent Communication (NVC). (We only accept Affiliates who have a genuine wish to spread NVC as well as, of course, to receive an Affiliate fee.)
3. The link will take you to a page where you can create a SendOwl account (free) via a simple form which asks for your name, email address (the one related to your PayPal account), password and country.
SendOwl is our trusted sales platform that handles the technical side of our shop behind the scenes.
Please email us if you want to sign up as an Affiliate.
Our Affiliates Philosophy
Our intention is to distribute the Dance Floors in ways that meet these three needs:
• wide spread of the NVC Dance Floors (to bring more compassion into more people's lives)
• financial sustainability (to make it viable to do the work required to share the Dance Floor resources)
• ease/simplicity (to fulfil the above needs in a joyful way and still have time for other aspects of our lives!)
We have designed our distribution system so that people who join our Affiliate programme are also meeting these three needs for themselves. We enjoy the collaborative and holographic quality of this approach. We hope you enjoy it too!
You are welcome to use images and text from our Dance Floor and Shop websites in your promotion of the Dance Floors.
Voulez-vous soutenir la diffusion des Pistes de Danse CNV et recevoir 5% du montant des ventes? Nous avons développé un système qui permet cela. Si vous avez un compte PayPal, vous pouvez vous inscrire ici en tant qu'affilié.
A noter: le soutien technique pour le programme d'affiliation sera en anglais.

Möchten Sie die Verbreitung des GFK-Tanzparketts unterstützen und 5% Rabatt erhalten? Wir haben ein Partnerprogramm entwickelt, das dies ermöglicht. Wenn Sie ein PayPal Konto haben, können Sie sich hier als Partner registrieren. Bitte beachten Sie: Die technische Unterstützung für das Partnerprogramm ist auf Englisch.

Wilt u de verspreiding van de GC Dansvloeren ondersteunen en ontvang 5% van de verkoopwaarde? We hebben een affiliate systeem dat dit mogelijk maakt ontwikkeld. Als u een PayPal-rekening kunt u zich aanmelden als affiliate hier. Let op: Technische ondersteuning voor het Affiliate programma is in het Engels.

¿Le gustaría apoyar la difusión de las Pistas de Baile CNV y recibir 5% del valor de las ventas? Hemos desarrollado un sistema de afiliados que lo hace posible. Si usted tiene una cuenta PayPal, puede registrarse como Afiliado aquí. Nota: El soporte técnico para el programa de Afiliados será en Inglés.
Vill du bidra till att sprida NVC Dance Floors, och tjäna 5% på din försäljning. Vi har utvecklat ett system som gör det möjligt. Om du har ett Pay Pal-konto kan du registrera dig som partner här. OBS: Den tekniska supporten till programmet för partners är på engelska.